Daily Scripture

God speaks to us through Scripture. One of the ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by learning to hear him as we read the Bible. 

We desire to continue growing in relationship with the Father, growing as disciples of Jesus, and learning to hear his voice through the Spirit as we read the Word and respond in faith. We want to journey in this together as a community by reading the same Bible text each day. We can learn to embrace a daily rhythm of meditating on God's Word and responding to it.

We invite you to engage at least one of the OT, Psalms, or NT passages daily.

Daily Scripture from the Moravian Daily Text can be found here and on the Missio App to encourage our church family to learn to hear and  respond in faith to the voice of God as he speaks to us through his Word. 

Moravian Daily Text

S.O.A.P is a resource to encourage you while you engage the Daily Text. It is a method to help you spend meaningful time with God in the Word: hearing His voice and responding by faith.

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